In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen .

In God's Love

side view pregnant mother, black pants and top but womb area exposed, image of baby in womb area woman holding a flower

What does

In God's Love

say about


"Rise up, voices of spirits slain in such a way. Cry for life, small ones of God. Children of Earth, sing a song of Holy innocence. Sing a song of Sirts. Songs of such sorrow, songs of such crimes reach Heaven in sorrow for their murderers. Souls of such sweetness see rest in God's Spirit. This is real life. Those who send such little ones kill the spirits of themselves, and this is self-aborted death" (207: 55-65). Read the whole Passage

"Each thing on the Earth has the right to life" (330: 10).

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