In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen .

In God's Love

woman looking up light on her eyes looking in the light tan smokey praying

What does

In God's Love

say about living

a prayerful life?

"Blessed Saints, start your prayers in the Blessed Trinity. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (1: 3-5).

"God is so pleased when you speak to Him. This is more wisdom than all that is taught . . . Speak about everything. God hears . . . Bring each of your moments in speaking to God . . . Kindness is in speaking to the ones you love, so spare not your kind words" (49: 5-6, 8-9, 18, 23-24). Read the whole Passage

"Do not forget God when you rise up from sleep. Saints of God's Spirit, in all ways, start in God's love. In all things, take your spirits to God's Spirit. O saints of God, wisdom is in placing God in all your undertakings, in all your thoughts and actions. Live with God, not around Him" (51: 14-20).

"Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, comfort of those who love you, comfort us in our present sorrow. We are your own, dear children, poor and needy in Earth's toil. Comfort us, sweet Jesus, in this sadness. In your comfort, we can bare our pain. Take this poor heart of mine and comfort others on this road to Heaven. Kind Jesus, Sacred Heart, it is in your Spirit I wish to remain forever. Amen. This is the prayer of the saints. Come pray in such a blessed way. It is inspired in such love of God" (273: 10-22).

"Beloved ones of God, whatever your conflicts on Earth, share your troubles with your Father. He listens and heals. In this, understand: tell God all about everything. In your joys, His Spirit delights, and in His delight comes inspiration. In sadness, He listens and shares in your present sadness" (309: 10-17).

"God is easy to talk to. Talk to Him. Tell Him about everything. This is a God who understands everything. Keep talking to Him about your health, about your marriage, and about your kids. Mighty are the words of your heart" (426: 25-32).

"Others are so respectful they ask friends to speak for them because those who have crossed over are closer to God. They have perfect faint in Him, and their love is fulfilled. Those who ask friends to pray for them are understood. This practice is done very well" (508: 13-17). Read the whole Passage

"Those who feel so unworthy in the presence of God are thinking wrong thoughts. . . God has made you worthy to enter into His presence and speak to Him in whatever way you desire. You are are His creation. You are His children. Some people ask God to forgive their offenses. Others on Earth praise God and thank Him for everything. Some people ask God to heal their bodies so that they can serve Him more fully. Others offer their suffering to Him in remissions for sins. It is done. Whatever way you pray, however it is done, speak to God. Ask Him whatever you desire. Remember this: God does not condemn people for how they pray" (508: 18-19, 25-40). Read the whole Passage

"Keep on speaking to your Father. Each word He cherishes" (36:16-17).

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