In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen .

In God's Love

Passages 100 - 199

  • 1. Many titles are like a little Proverb.

  • 2. All the Passages below are in both BIG BOOKS

  • --- In God's Love Second Edition Original Version E-Book only

  • --- In God's Love Second Edition Inclusive Version E-Book & PRINT BOOK


6 = The End of the World and Afterwards 76 Passages from In God's Love E-Book
5 = Inspirational Passages Volume One 75 Select Passages from In God's Love E-Book
4= Inspirational Passages Volume Two 74 More Select Passages from In God's Love E-Book
3 = God 73 Passages from In God's Love E-Book
2 = Prayer 72 Passages from In God's Love E-Book
1 = The Afterlife 71 Passages from In God's Love E-Book


Passage 100 Turn Your Faces, Very Spirits, Back to Our Father's Holy Love  ~  without music  ~  WITH MUSIC  
Passage 101Soon, Blessed Spirits, Many Signs Shall Come ( 4 )  without music  ~  WITH MUSIC  
Passage 102 Sing, O Saints, Through Blinding Tears, Children of the Cross, Christ Calls You In   ~ without music WITH MUSIC   
Passage 103 Soon, God Sends You a Saint of Such Blessedness ~ without music  ~ WITH MUSIC  
Passage 104 The Blessed Saints Are Right ( 4 )  without music  ~  WITH MUSIC  
Passage 105 Taking in God's Children ( 1 2 ) without music  ~  WITH MUSIC  
Passage 106 Never Pass an Opportunity to Be Kind  ~  without music WITH MUSIC  
Passage 107 Blessed Are You in the Lamb Which Shed His Blood That You Might be Worthy to Proclaim His Great Mysteries
( 6 ) without music  ~ WITH MUSIC 
Passage 108 Care You Must Because It Is Time and Past Time to Care  ~  without music  WITH MUSIC 
Passage 109 Your Infinite Beauty and Stately Ways, Such Beauty Is in Woman  ~  without music  ~  WITH MUSIC  
Passage 110 Such Pardon Shall Be Made in Those Who Are Kind  ~  without music WITH MUSIC  
Passage 111 Your Song Is Sung. Was It a Blessed Song?  ~  without music  ~  WITH MUSIC  
Passage 112 In the Tears of the Saints Were Many Healed  ~ without music  ~  WITH MUSIC  
Passage 113 Make Understanding Welcome. She Is Pleasing and Fills Such Saints of God with Much Peace 
                ~  without music  ~  WITH MUSIC  
Passage 114 Such Peace and Rest Is in Store for Those Who Bleed with Christ On the Cross ( 1 )   without music WITH MUSIC  
Passage 115 Righteous, Loyal and True Is This Army of Christ Sent Forth from All God's Creations  ~  without music  ~ WITH MUSIC
Passage 116 Blessed Army of Saints ( 5 )  without music  ~  WITH MUSIC  
Passage 117 Earth, You Mourn Because Your Children Have Turned Against You and Your Creator  ~  without music  ~  WITH MUSIC
Passage 118 Out in Distant Worlds, You Are Known ( 4 )  without music  ~  WITH MUSIC  
Passage 119 These Message Are Sent in God's Spirit to Gather in the Saints for This Last, Great Battle of Love 
                        ~ without music  ~  WITH MUSIC  
Passage 120 God Has Given Rules for Each Time  ~  without music  ~  WITH MUSIC  
Passage 121 The Promise of Great Wealth and Power Are Satan's Games ( 5 )  without music  ~  WITH MUSIC  
Passage 122 Sodom Is a Sad Situation Invented by Satan as An Outward Insult to God and His Creation ( 5 )  without music  WITH MUSIC 
Passage 123 You Who Are Wise, Soon Rise in God's Spirit, But All You Foolish, See Satan's Sad Dark World ( 1 )
                        ~ without music  ~  WITH MUSIC  
Passage 124 Close Is the Day When Children Understand ( 4 )  without music  ~  WITH MUSIC  
Passage 125 There Is Only One God, and He Is a Just God
Passage 126 Make Your Spirit a Blessed Sanctuary
Passage 127 God Shall Give You Himself, or Satan Will Abandon You. Choose. ( 1 2 )
Passage 128 Righteous Saints Who Are in God's Love, Rest
Passage 129 Always Stay Under God's Most Kind, Merciful Shelter ( 1 )
Passage 130 Each Singing Message Is Sent in God's Love
Passage 131 Rejoice. You Who Are in Christ Shall Not See Such Sorrow, But You Who Are Not In God's Spirit Shall Not Escape Such Sorrow in This Times of Times
Passage 132 Real Is Our Concern, Real and True ( 4 )
Passage 133 Enemies of God See No Rest
Passage 134 A Little Child Shall Lead You in This Strange Time
Passage 135 God Is Such a Spirit Who Plays With Little Children ( 3 )
Passage 136 Blessed Are the Hands That Molded You Out of the Dust of the Earth ( 5 )
Passage 137 Bless This Saint Who Comes in God's Loving Spirit
Passage 138 God Is the Answer
Passage 139 Earth Is Sent a Saint in Such Inspiration, Blessed Is This Child
Passage 140 Inspirational Bliss Sings in Such Soft, Lovely Tones
Passage 141 God's Spirit Set Time on the Earth and Spoke of Her as Sacred, But, Soon, She Returns to God ( 6 )
Passage 142 Sweet, Little Saints, in All Precious Things, You Are the Most Pleasing to God ( 4 )
Passage 143 Blessed Saints of Special Quality Are God's Saints Who Are of Another Creation ( 5 )
Passage 144 Soon, All Earth Children Shall See Such Wonders in God's Spirit
Passage 145 Many Shall God Take in, to Spare Them What Is to Come on Earth ( 6 )
Passage 146 The Time of Justice Rises Up
Passage 147 Sent Are the Gifts from Heaven to All God's Blessed on the Earth
Passage 148 He Gives You Everything You Crave ( 1 )
Passage 149 Is It Not Better to Receiver Correction from Such a Loving Father? ( 6 )
Passage 150 Such Comfort Comes in the Days to Come ( 6 )
Passage 151 In This Book Are All Merits and All Vice Recorded. Start a Book of Merit. ( 5 )
Passage 152 Each Sacred Song Is Blessed in Heaven ( 3 )
Passage 153 Litany of the Holy Spirit ( 3 5 )  ~  without music  ~  WITH MUSIC
Passage 154 In God's Spirit, Reached Are the Spirits of Saints ( 3 )
Passage 155 You Who Are in God, Pray That Those Whom You Love on the Earth, Shall Turn Their Faces to God and Come with You ( 6 )
Passage 156 God Our Father, Our Mother, Brother and Sister, in All Our Heart's Desire, Teach Us to Understand There Is No Other Love Compared to Our God ( 3 6 )
Passage 157 The Battle Is in God's Own Spirit for All Good and Home
Passage 158 Why Are You so Wise While Others Are so Foolish?
Passage 159 A Love Song Ended in Such Tragedy
Passage 160 Blessed Are the Saints Who Are Prepared to Take This Journey
Passage 161 Earth Was a Jewel in the Father's Setting, and Now She Is Finished
Passage162 Wise and Valiant Christians Start the March to God. They Were Not Afraid to Die for Love of the Lamb Who is Christ Jesus, God the Son ( 6 )
Passage 163 Children of God, You Are Called in Very Swiftly ( 6 )
Passage 164 Earth, God Will Make You New Again, and Your Children Shall Not Betray You ( 5 6 )
Passage 165 O Earth
Passage 166 When God Speak, All Creation Listens
Passage 167 God Is Enough
Passage 168 Wisdom Is a Spirit of God's Spirit
Passage 169 Kind and Comforting Is the Spirit of This Book, for God's Spirit Is in Every Word
Passage 170 All There Is Left Is God, and This Is Enough
Passage 171 Father, Bless This Earth to Save It
Passage 172 Would You Drink from Such a Bitter Chalice When the Sweet Wine Is Passed? ( 5 )
Passage 173 Kind Spirits Who Are in God's Blessings Do Not See the Day of Such Sorrow
Passage 174 These Are the Spirits of God's Other Creations Who Sing This Last Tribute to Earth and Her Saints ( 4 )
Passage 175 In Your Every Need, Speak so Softly to Your God, for His Ears Ate Sensitive to the Voices of His Earth Children ( 2 )
Passage 176 In All God's Creations Is the Life of Everything ( 3 )
Passage 177 The Father's Eyes Are on all Things ( 3 )
Passage 178 The Unfolding of Nature Is in God's Very Spirit ( 3 6 )
Passage 179 God's Love Is in The Sun's Spirit ( 4 )
Passage 180 Soon, in Such Beauty, a Blessing is Sent to Each Saint
Passage 181 Come and See What God Has Done, for He Is the Creator of Homes ( 1 )
Passage 182 True Beauty as Seen Nowhere Else in God's Creation ( 5 )
Passage 183 Eternal Rest Is Wisdom's Child, and Eternal Death Is Life Without God's Love ( 1 )
Passage 184 Only the Father Knows the Day and the Hour ( 6 )
Passage 185 Virtue's Song
Passage 186 This Is a Time to Reach Out to the Stars ( 4 )
Passage 187 Bless the Earth in God's Spirit
Passage 188 Songs Sung By the Holy Spirit ( 4 )
Passage 189 Earth Sings a Very Sorrowful Song ( 6 )
Passage 190 This Is Hope of Things to Come
Passage 191 See a Time of the Blessed
Passage 192 Soon, You Shall Be Introduced as Saints from Earth ( 4 6 )
Passage 193 No Place is Left to Hide Except in God ( 6 )
Passage 194 God's Love Is Reaching Out ( 6 )
Passage 195 Soon, You Will Be Reaching Out to Worlds in God's Spirit
Passage 196 So Kind and Sacred Are the Saints of Our World ( 4 )
Passage 197 Our Messages Are from the Most High God Whose Spirit No One Questions ( 4 )
Passage 198 Father Is His Title ( 3 )
Passage 199 Yes, We Grieve, and All Creation Mourns the Loss of Your Home ( 6 )

Home  Titles 200-299 >>>

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