In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen .

In God's Love

flaming red heart abstract with white and yellow flames forming the outline of a heart

What does

In God's Love

say about people

who are not Christians?

" Remember and understand that some things are important while other things are trivial. When you are speaking to God, some believe this and some believe that. Some who believe are bringing their hearts to God in such blessed love and kindness. Keep on respecting each other" (443: 23-29).

" Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, here is your spirit borne up. To some who are of different beliefs, we speak to you with no disrespect. God loves all of His Creation. This is the God of all. Some think differently. God has His own way of thinking, also. We come not to condemn or save souls. We come to speak the good news of God's Spirit who is among you. Think as you may think. It is not our business to judge. God is the judge. His Spirit is all wise" (492: 1-13). Read the whole Passage

" His spiritual joy is in each one who has His love in their heart" (497: 25)

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